



Paperback, ISBN 978-81-902247-8-9
PP 254, Rs 225
Against the exquisite backdrop of Goa, which forms a realist travelogue, is woven a make-believe tale of people living in a spiritual commune. The young protagonist, through whose eyes one gets to see the unravelling of this tale, is a filled-in personality, posed against the other people who are merrily etched, perhaps two-dimensionally, weaving in and out of the story-like paper characters.
The residents of the commune strike you as leading a somewhat deluded existence, until the invasion of unseemly characters from the outside world, which could have tilted the balance. But they don't succeed in their nefarious plans and are shunned by the commune, whose loosely connected inhabitants now appear closely bound to each other in their loyalties, and whose delusory lives suddenly seem to take on a compelling and moving simplicity. Delving into the thought processes and scanning mental horizons, the seascapes and landscapes become a metaphor for mindscapes that go beyond time and remain unfathomed. It becomes a voyage of illusions and delusions, dreams and reality. Grappling with this paradox, the novel makes a curious attempt to explore the mystique called human existence.
And yet another account of the protagonist's mountain journey constitutes a corollary to this travelogue within the book, while beautiful imagery of nature in its element and sketches of lamas drawn by the author, complement the narration.

The book reinvents narrative in an internalised form, wherein thought overrules the plot… Madhoor Kapur builds up characters and situations in contrasting tones that underlie a symbolic juxtaposition, as in a painting. First City

Paperback, ISBN 978-81-902247-9-6
PP 303, Rs 250
It’s all about the musings of a Delhi journalist during the pre-reforms era. This romping account delineates the hilarious and vivacious exploits of the protagonist, who floats on the party circuit with sporadic interest in professional assignments. And he really takes off when his spouse and son are away, striking numerous escapades and wild capers that turn out to be anti-climactic. Though voyeuristic preoccupation is the driving force of the novel, it is only reflective of what always permeates the minds of most Indians tied up in a bundle of inhibitions. With far too much emphasis on television and page three trivia on an urban man’s mind today, most of his thrills are essentially vicarious.

As the plot unfolds, eccentric characters and humour, both situational and stylistic, tickle you right through. Never a dull moment, it makes for a zany, breezy read...!

A recommended read.
Hindustan Times
Witty, breezy…A fun ride.
What’s Hot, The Times of India

Scintillating Short Stories
Paperback, ISBN 978-81-904559-0-9
PP 397, Rs 295
By now you have entered one such space, right here with me, and we can’t even see each other…and it is in such a secluded spot...that secrets are exchanged. Here, a scream is only as loud as a whisper. There’s no one to stifle your response, no one to underline your guilt or judge your action. No one will mock your fears or crush your tender spots into the ground…this space is blessed with the biggest boon known to man - the liberty to express - anything from embarrassment to shame.’
The game begins when you pick up this’s a strange feeling when you are blinded to the things around you...There are inviting sounds everywhere - calling you, teasing you, scaring you... The sport goes on with these sensations - familiar or foreign - but enticing enough to make you carry on...and the images you see are all your own creation.
Blind Man’s Buff brings you an amalgamation of all these genres…from a modern love story, to a medieval fantasy…from a conventional horror tale to a naughty moral fable. And once in a while, you could get ambushed by Humanimals…From here on, it’s your game. Take over…

Original ideas. Diverse themes. Vivid Descriptions. Compelling plots. What more could one want? Chetan Joshi is a great story-teller.

David Crystal, Author, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language

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