Set up in April 2004, Stellar Publishers aspire to break fresh grounds in quality publishing, in the world of literature, translated works, corporate biographies, memoirs and autobiographies of some of the best-known achievers in the country in the arena of art, culture, cinema, politics and sports.
Agony and ecstasy are two frenetic states of a mystical spirit and Amrita Pritam infused that spirit in her poetic prose and verses. A creative genius, a legend in her lifetime, she touched the heart and soul of bibliophiles with reflective allusions to mythology and history, and alsodelved in the metaphysical sphere with parables and similes. Be it the resonance of romantic poetry and longing, the heart-rending tales of Partition, or contemplative essays, her ingenious artistry of words and imagery converged in the spiritual realm. Click here....
At a Middle Eastern international airport, a Gandhian scholar from Hyderabad and a mining engineer from Johannesburg meet fortuitouslyin transit, and romance brews. Their love unfolds in musings andenticinghistoric narrations of twelve most celebrated diamonds in the world � the Hope, the Orlov, the Shah, the Regent, the Dresden & the Koh-i-Noor among others � that were once whisked away from India � changed the destinies of emperors & empires� andtodaythe proud possession of nations around the world. Click here....
A unique voice and singing style that could not possibly be emulated, and an acting prowess that complemented the gifted throat, earned Kundan Lal Saigal a distinct place in the annals of Indian cinema. A bi-lingual actor, he commenced his cinematic sojourn with New Theatres, and touched the zenith with Devdas in 1935, that was to become an all-time classic. With each successive venture � President, Dharti Mata, Street Singer, Zindagi, Bhakt Surdas, Tansen, Shahjahan, et al � he kept soaring to reach the zenith. Click here....
This book has emanated from an extensive and intensive research, as to how media plays immensely significant role in safeguarding the strategic interests of both the Government and the masses by addressing the core issues concerning the welfare and security of a nation.
Given that Kashmir has remained a bone of contention between India and Pakistan, these findings, as such, are based on a doctoral study in terms of the pivotal function performed by Public Service Broadcaster like Radio Kashmir during the times of both peace & war since 1947.. Click here.... |
FINANCIAL FELICITY is a valuable compendium of articles that encompasses a host of current economic issues. Demonetization, shenanigans on Dalal Street, GST, RBI conundrums, tax evasion, mergers, buybacks, currency swings, et al, are analyzed with skilful acumen and showcased with literary flamboyance. Unusual market trends like witching hour, candlestick dojis, cryptocurrency add a healthy dollop of tech-economics to this motley collection, while articles on the economics of prohibition, Jallikattu, league sports, the dole, etc, give this book an intriguing socio-economic slant. Click here....
Wander Years is an adventurous amalgamation of a travel chronicle and roving memoir. It feasts your appetite for journeys within India and to foreign shores with exploratory tales of exciting discoveries where, leaving aside life’s treadmill, you traverse destinations as varied and diverse as the lavish temples and grand palaces of South India, the forts of Rajputana, the staggering ranges of the snow-covered Himalayas in Sikkim, Click here....
To Each With Love is a play of human nature on a vibrant canvas portraying a diverse range of characters – some similar, still quite apart. The stories, being an expression of the experiential reality of contemporary Indian infrastructure, present a fascinating study of the relational script of people belonging to a varied social milieu. Click here....
Penny Panache is an assortment of articles on a range of economic issues that have made headlines of late. Vagaries of the stock exchange and real estate, the volatility in the prices of crude oil and gold, the rate hike tremors, the inflation predictions, currency wars, tax havens, algorithm trading, start-up revolution, et al, have been avidly discussed and analysed with acumen and skill. Click here....
A life beyond categories! Perhaps, that's the quintessence of Kapila Vatsyayan's trajectory, both as a sensitive artist and profound scholar. She has not only questioned, but also defied the mindsets that create those categories, with her multidisciplinary approach.Given her proximity to the stalwarts of the intellectual and cultural arena, i.e. Aruna Asaf Ali, Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay Rukmini Devi Arundale, Click here....
An alumna of the universities of Delhi, Michigan and Banaras, Kapila Vatsyayan has held distinguished positions as Joint Educational Advisor; Vice Chairman, Sangeet Natak Akademi; Additional Secretary, Department of Culture; Secretary, Department of Arts; Member Secretary and Academic Director, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts; Click here....
From the setting dusk of the fading royalties of Awadh, where Akhtari was born in 1914, to the glamour and clamour of theatre in Calcutta and films in Bombay! From the eloquent exuberance and die-hard faith underlying the tormented childhood of Akhtari Bai Faizabadi to the rhythms of silence required of the doting Begum of a Kakori Nawab!
''I am a filmmaker by accident and an author by compulsion," claims Mrinal Sen, who stumbled upon an unknown book, Film, by Rudolf Arnheim in the early 1940s, at the Imperial Library (now, the National Library), in Calcutta. As he went on devouring tomes, penned critiques on the aesthetics of Cinema, its philosophy, its socio-political relevance, he dreamt of a genre, called New Cinema. Click here....
A lawyer by training, a parliamentarian by conviction, a socialist in spirit – Vasant Sathe has earned a place of distinction in the history of Indian politics. Brought up by parents on Tilak School of Thought in the midst of the freedom movement, this young, fiery student’s passion to plunge headlong into this battle for the liberation of the nation from the British Rule set many a precedent. Click here....
This son of the soil, born in the heart of Punjab in Naushahr, the industry’s ace villain Amrish Puri was credited with bringing the hitherto mundane villainy into strobe light, and lent it a pride of place on the billboard with his unmatched histrionics. Click here....
It all began on a European tour with her parents when she performed before the Pope in 1939, and earned his benediction. She was barely seven. Defying age, time and space, she’s still dancing in the new millennium. For Vyjayantimala, ‘everything begins and ends with dance’. Click here....
Destiny’s child! Perhaps that would best define Russi Mody’s persona, given his indelible imprint on the chapters of India’s corporate history. To the manor born, he undertook a sea voyage from Bombay to the British shores, and entered the portals of Harrow at age nine.
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Cocktale Carnival is a celebration of stories to tickle your literary bone. Chetaan Joshii offers a scrumptious feast, where you are bound to experience the entire gamut of emotions...from amusement to intrigue, from pathos to arousal to surprise... An order, fairly unpredictable!
Entrance to this party would be the sole preserve of those biblio buffs who wish to mingle with an assortment of invitees – a man who travels on the same train everyday to search for a place that exists every now and then...
Sagar is exhilarated, as he meets Prakriti, his childhood love, who had mysteriously disappeared from his life twelve years back. Soon, this friendship of yesteryears rekindles. Blown by her simplicity and undiminished zest for life, he wishes to settle down with her.
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Short stories based on surrealistic experiences
A Montage of Mystique... This collection of terse tales by Anjan Ray reads stranger than fiction.
• I earn my keep off the primal fears of people. Their insecurities. Their psyche. Their very souls.
• When the thin, terrified scream cut through the icy air, there was no element of surprise, just animal reaction that caused me to pull on my boots. |
• He sat down on a stool and began to play an imaginary piano.
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Set in a town in western Uttar Pradesh, this novel by Sharat Kumar spans half a century, as the plot alternates between the pre-Independence years (1934-42) and the last quarter of 1989, thus straddling two generations of the Sinha family. The narrative parallels the times of the father and the son, moving back and forth in time. In Prof Samarendra Sinha’s story, the ‘Red Mansion’ is a hub of political, social and familial bustle, while in his son Samar’s life it is the centre of intrigue.
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When you do a good deed to someone
Do so without expecting
When it would be repaid
Like the coconut palm tree
That takes in water from the ground
And gives it back through the coconut milk
Without expecting any gratitude
So wrote the thirteenth century Thamizh poetess, Auvaiyar. And in this novel by Sujatha Viswanathan, Chitra’s narrative too runs its course around the analogy of a coconut tree.
This slim book, by Upendra Tankha, call it a novella or a long story or whatyouwill, is out at the right time. These days the metroman with many gadgets and unlimited choices, is not at home with large tomes troubled as he is with a remote in his head.
The Inheritor is all about the travails and peccadilloes of an out-of-job hack who shacks up with his parents and lives off his friends and wits in equal measure. The tale unravels the time when media jobs are far and few and the going for a free lance is knotty.
It is the English transcreation of Sharat Kumar’s original Hindi novel, Shikhar aur Seemayen, that was widely commended and received the Delhi Hindi Academy’s literary award in 1993.The plot is set against the momentous backdrop of 1963, six months after the border war broke out between India and China, when Sikkim was an Independent State and held close diplomatic relations with India.
Sailors have a knack of ‘spinning yarns’ about their sea voyages that carry them across the global shores. And here, a Master Mariner’s wife, Nina Sood, accompanied him on many of his voyages while he commanded foreign-going merchant vessels all over the world. As she relates the engrossing assortment of marine experiences, recalling the delightful and unusual episodes of the temperamental seas, simultaneously she also ruminates over her husband Krishan’s losing battle to lung cancer.
It’s all about the musings of a Delhi journalist during the pre-reforms era. This romping account by Upendra Tankha delineates the hilarious and vivacious exploits of the protagonist, who floats on the party circuit with sporadic interest in professional assignments. And he really takes off when his spouse and son are away, striking numerous escapades and wild capers that turn out to be anti-climactic.
Now you have entered one such space with Chetan Joshi’s scintillating short stories…and it is in such a secluded spot...that secrets are exchanged. Here, a scream is only as loud as a whisper. There’s no one to stifle your response, no one to underline your guilt or judge your action. No one will mock your fears or crush your tender spots into the ground…this space is blessed with the biggest boon known to man - the liberty to express - anything from embarrassment to shame.
A BLUE CITADEL: A Travelogue |
Against the exquisite backdrop of Goa, which forms a realist travelogue, Madhoor Kapur weaves a make-believe tale of people living in a spiritual commune. The young protagonist, through whose eyes one gets to see the unravelling of this tale, is a filled-in personality, posed against the other people who are merrily etched, perhaps two-dimensionally, breezing in and out of the story, like paper characters.
Author-publisher Jyoti Sabharwal with Dr Kapila Vatsyayan at the book discussion of Afloat a Lotus Leaf: A Cognitive Biography, at India International Centre, New Delhi: |
http://www.iicdelhi.in/webcasts/view_webcast/book-discussion-group-afloat-a-lotus-leaf/ |
The author of Here Be Yaks: A Personal Account of Travels in Far West Tibet, Manosi Lahiri holds a doctorate in Urban Geography. Born in Calcutta, she studied at the Universities of Calcutta, Delhi and London. A pioneer in the field of Geographic Information System (GIS), she is the Chief Executive of ML Infomap, an Information Technology Company she founded in 1993. Here Be Yaks has also been published in the United States by Intrepid Traveler.
ê Vasant Sathe |
ê Dhruva Chak |
ê Madhoor Kapur |
ê Nina Sood |
ê Upendra Tankha |
ê Chetan Joshi |
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