



Short stories based on surrealistic experiences
Paperback, ISBN 978-81902247-5-8
PP 261, Rs 195
Montage of Mystique...This collection of terse tales based on surrealistic experiences reads stranger than fiction.
I earn my keep off the primal fears of people. Their insecurities. Their psyche. Their very souls.
When the thin, terrified scream cut through the icy air, there was no element of surprise, just animal reaction that caused    me to pull on my boots.
He sat down on a stool and began to play an imaginary piano.
She looked perpetually like she belonged on a yatch-in-the-meditteranean or a spa-in-the-alps, and barely tolerated    anything American.
The person you love most is the one you dream the least about.
She held out her arms to him and whispered into his forehead, “Go. If good is to win, selfishness can have no place in it...”
The sparkling stars and magic moon outshine the scattered lights thatmay remain lit late on clear nights, and the air is crisp    and bracing right through the year.
A thin, ruddy sparkle ahead and below him in the distance, glowing red in the sun as he headed north from the Lone Star    State into Oklahoma.
The receding whistle of a late night express pierces the white blanket of fog and fades before one can assess either the    location or the direction of the train.

And then the door blows open, and Anjan Ray invites you to step out – Just Beyond...

The book is for people who believe in the supernatural. TheSunday Tribune

Ray is a remarkable storyteller and manages a twist to each tale, guaranteed to leave the reader stumped and often gasping.

Deccan Herald

A Parody
Paperback, ISBN 978-81-902247-6-5
PP 287, Rs 225
It is almost the exact middle of the twentieth century. The Raj has seen its last days, but the memories of its glory are still fresh and its remnants abound in a country, which has been in its grip for over 300 years. Never more so than in the metros and state capitals of India. Hiren Chatterjee is born in this twilight zone, where the future beckons and the past still lives.
The novel courses through a nostalgic journey traversing five cities in India - a Lucknow full of magnificent buildings and gardens and the vibrant world of the Anglo-Indian; an Allahabad as earnest as the grave; an Ahmedabad where state-of-the-art Management education is imparted in a building riddled with intriguing holes; a Bombay which smells of fish and freedom; and a Calcutta based on Club life and the pleasures of Park Street, a city where time has stood permanently still. This backdrop provides poignant and sometimes startling snapshots of what constitute a life for Hiren, a lad born to privilege, but never comfortable with it. And sensitively portrays the yearnings of a youngster to make sense out of a life that seems to run on in directions over which he has no control. No wonder, he goes through a life at times incredibly facile, at others frightfully difficult. Who is the real Hiren? The little boy who wanted so badly to be good or the enigmatic, Chatterjee Babu, who is a perennial source of mystery to Ted Slater, the young Englishman, who has vowed to ‘fix’ him.
You are almost lost in a maze of old world charm, catching the last glimpses of the dying Raj, the magic of Hiren's internal world, a world caught between the demands of the future and the allures of the decadent past. Is he Lord Chatterjee, the magnificent, or just Gungadin the ‘goodest’ of people, or just plain, weak Hiren born to failure? The answer has a chameleon-like quality depending on where you come from. But meanwhile, there is much to be savoured in the journey Hiren takes, step by bewildered step, to the most important decision of his tormented life. . . .
It is not just breezy, but also immensely entertaining with a dexterous dash of humour that never ceases to amuse.
The Financial Express
In this delightful parody…one of the essential messages of the book is the prevalence of the babu culture and how a babu lives in all of us. The Delhi Times

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